Shawn Sheppard
September 21, 2023
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Page last updated: September 21, 2023

How to Set Up Retargeting Ads on Facebook

Retargeting, as the name suggests, is the strategy of targeting users who have previously interacted with your brand in some capacity but haven’t yet converted. With Facebook’s vast reach and sophisticated targeting capabilities, mastering the art of retargeting on this platform can give your business a considerable edge. In this guide, we’ll delve into the basics of retargeting, the diverse audience sources, and how to set it all up on Facebook.

What is Retargeting?

Imagine a user visiting your website, checking out a product, but leaving without making a purchase. That’s a potential sale lost, right? Not necessarily! With retargeting, you can re-engage these users, reminding them of the product or offering them a special deal to entice them back.

Retargeting isn’t about bombarding users with ads. It’s about staying top-of-mind and offering value. But for retargeting to work, you need a steady stream of data. Without consistent user information flowing in, your retargeting efforts might see diminishing returns.

Facebook’s Retargeting Audiences: Where Does the Data Come From?

  1. .csv Files or Customer Match Lists: These are lists of your existing customers or leads. By uploading these lists to Facebook, you can retarget your most loyal patrons or re-engage users who might’ve shown interest in the past.
  2. Website Visitors or Website Triggered Events: Using the Facebook pixel on your website, you can track visitors and specific actions they take. Whether it’s viewing a product or adding something to the cart, these interactions can be used to create tailored retargeting campaigns.
  3. Social Media Organic Followers or Engagements: These are individuals who follow your brand or have interacted with your content organically. They’ve shown interest, and with the right nudge, they might become paying customers.
  4. Paid Ads Interactions: Sometimes, users engage with your ads by liking, commenting, or even clicking, but they don’t convert. These are warm leads that can be retargeted with a more compelling offer or message.

Setting Up Retargeting Audiences on Facebook:

  1. Install the Facebook Pixel: Before anything else, ensure the Facebook Pixel is installed on your website. This tiny piece of code tracks visitors and their actions, feeding this data into your retargeting campaigns.
  2. Go to the Audiences Section: In your Facebook Ads Manager, navigate to the ‘Audiences’ section.
  3. Create a New Custom Audience: Here, you can choose the source of your audience – whether it’s a customer list, website traffic, or engagement on Facebook.
  4. Define Your Audience: Depending on your chosen source, set the specifics. For example, if selecting website traffic, you can target users who visited a particular page or took a specific action.
  5. Save and Use: Once you’ve defined your audience, save it. Now, when setting up ad campaigns, you can choose this custom audience for retargeting.

Need Expert Guidance?

Setting up retargeting might seem straightforward, but optimizing it for the best results requires expertise. Schedule a call with one of our professionals at Sculpted Media, and we’ll guide you through the process. Plus, for a limited time, we’re offering a free audit of your Facebook account. Let us provide personalized recommendations to ensure your company sees the best returns from your retargeting efforts.

Book A Strategy Session By Filling Out The Form Below 

About the author: Shawn Sheppard is a Digital Marketing expert with years of experience creating and analyzing digital audiences.

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